

Rogue Survivor II is a spinoff/sequel to Rogue Survivor for PC, Linux and Mac.

It will bring RS to the brand new world of realtime 3D with state of the art bad graphics, and will stay true to the core design principles that made RS great*

I will share with you this wonderful adventure in this beautifully designed blog.

* or crap, depending on who you ask.


  1. Replies

    2. I hope the game is multiplayer.. if not I myself, and probably alot of people will be really sad :(

    3. No way! Dwarf Fortress has no multiplayer and it rocks, and so will this!

    4. above roguejack is probealy 1:abondoned this project or 2:dead! and btw i gave up on the fortress mode on drawf fortress beacuse i couldent figiure it out

  2. "world of realtime 3D with state of the art bad graphics.."
    Makes me think of Rogue Survivor in a world of Doom. Please tell me I'm right.

  3. Hey dude!
    Hope everything is going well, both living and coding.

    I am really ecstatic to see you take this step with the game, and honestly have great hopes for it. I can recall days having lunch with a gaming buddy of mine in college, conjecturing and ever wishing for the most fulfilling zombie game we could imagine.

    Random towns/cities every game, so that no person has preconceived advantages. Play as the civilians, military, or undead (and you took that ten steps further). The most essential mechanics such as classifications of weaponry (firearms, bows, melee, unarmed), barricading, scavenging, sleep deprivation, starvation, insanity, leading groups of survivors, getting into giant chaotic brawls of zombie and survivor, and being able to jump into any side of the experience. Not to mention excellent control over modifying any of those features to just as one likes.

    I try to tell anybody I suspect might enjoy this game about it, as it has given me countless hours of entertainment. I am also very excited to hear about RS 2, as I envision the 3rd dimension will add room for very creative potential. It brings to mind a slew of questions, but that'd be better saved for forums. :]

    None the less, I look forward to playing more RS, and following your strides in RS 2!

    1. I agree with every single word said by the person above.

  4. Is this still happening?

    1. We are hoping, but it is a long time since there has been any activity. I occasionally check back in hope of progress. Loved rogue survivor I although it was extremely difficult and I never managed to survive to find all the secrets!

  5. How we can download?

  6. Amazing! Good luck with this amazing project. I've been fan of original RS for a long time and even written big review (russian language only, sadly). Will be following RS2 from now on!

  7. I still play Rogue Survivor, it's probably my favourite roguelike.

    Any updates on Rogue Survivor II?

  8. You rock Devguy. Never stop making awesome games.

  9. Why did you stop making videogames? You were so good at it. You would have gotten closer to making money from this sort of stuff had you not given up.

  10. Is this still alive? I just found out about RS 1 and I loved it!

  11. this i a dead as dead gets hasn't updated since the last time i checked last year

  12. Knock knock. Anyone home?

  13. Still here, anyone else?
